That's right, happy February! I LOVE a good chance to celebrate another holiday. Especially one as fun as Valentine's Day. Besides Cupid's day, here are a few other things we are looking forward to in the month of February:
Groundhog day
Super Bowl (I say go Giants, Robert says the Patriots)
Birthdays (Kris, Harry, and Sam)
Finding out if our little bell pepper is a boy or a girl
President's Day holiday
Broadway Bound's performance of "The Little Red Hen" the musical
A short month--meaning July is coming faster :-)
What a great month! I decided to welcome it in with a fresh batch of Valentine cookies. Well...I hope it was welcoming and not too frightening, as it was a first attempt that didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped. Here is what I was hoping for:
And here is how it actually turned out:
Who knew that piping cookie dough out of a zip-lock could be so tricky? And despite the color you see above, I actually did dye the dough red. Well, I tried. They are chocolate, and when I put in all of my remaining red dye, it turned out more of a burnt sienna (thank Dad for the knowledge of that color). However, the camera made them look just plain brown.
Despite the looks, they taste good, especially with that cream cheese frosting in the middle. And you definitely only need one--they are super rich, and big!
So welcome, February! Stay awhile! And bring lots and lots of red and pink and candy and lovin'.
Have fun Valentining!